Often feel pain when eating sweet, sour, cold or hot drinks, and when brushing your teeth? If so, you may experience aching teeth or sensitive teeth. Want to know how to overcome it? Check out the following explanation.
Generally, tooth ache or sensitive teeth caused by a layer of tooth enamel that is thinning. Email is the outermost layer of teeth that is responsible for protecting teeth. However, this layer can be damaged by several things, namely brushing your teeth too hard, using a bristle toothbrush, often consuming acidic foods or drinks, and often grinding your teeth while sleeping.
In addition, tooth ache can also be caused by cracked teeth, gum disease, plaque deposits on the teeth, as well as the risk of certain procedures performed by dentists.
This Is How To Overcome Tooth Pain
Tooth ache can suddenly appear and disrupt the fun when gathering with friends. Not only does it cause pain, but it can also get rid of your sweet smile. Of course you do not want to constantly have aching teeth, right? The following tips to overcome aching teeth you can do:Use special toothpaste for aching teeth
When you experience tooth ache, you are recommended to use special toothpaste to overcome this problem. Generally, this type of toothpaste does not contain ingredients that can irritate your teeth, so as to minimize the feeling of pain in the teeth. You can choose toothpaste that contains aluminum lactate, potassium nitrate, and isopropyl methylphenol. These three ingredients are believed to be able to overcome tooth pain and prevent gum damage.
Use a soft toothbrush
Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles so that your teeth don't feel aching when you brush your teeth.
Avoiding acidic foods and drinks
Soft drinks, sticky candy, sour fruits (lemons and oranges), and alcoholic drinks, can erode tooth enamel and cause tooth pain. Therefore, you are advised to stay away from these foods and drinks if you have aching teeth.
Avoid the habit of causing tooth ache
Some habits that can make your teeth ache are grinding your teeth, chewing ice cubes, biting something hard, and tearing plastic using teeth.
Avoid hot and cold foods / drinks
Also avoid hot and cold foods and drinks, such as coffee, ice cream, and hot foods such as soup or meatballs.
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